Tuesday 6 November 2012

Requirements for production Part 3

Sorry about the delay on this blog post. I had a busy half term, since I didn't have that much access to a PC when I was visiting a friend of mine, and when I finally got home on the weekend, my PC started to act up, so I had even more issues... again, apologies, but now, to get on with this, shall we?

To continue from before the half term.
In our production (The babysitter) we didn't really need to pay for that much, Namely for a few props, Which was some yogurt and a baby doll. We also bought a bar of a crunchy chocolate, but that was if we needed to thicken up the fake vomit we made using yogurt and water. But luckily, we didn't need to buy anything else.

For the whole project we had a time limit, which me and the other two managed to keep. If this was the real deal, And we didn't manage to keep to the deadline, We would have lost money, Big producers would trust us less, and we would have a lot of down time due to it.

During this, We were lucky the only piece of equipment we needed, the Camera, Was capable of being rented from the college. We also used Adobe Premier-pro to edit the recording and another program was used in-order to create and use a sound file to the whole thing, though to my annoyance, I cannot remember the name of said program. Similarly to how people in the professional industry. However, they can also buy equipment for future use. And in the production, I was able to use myself, Johnny, Mikey, aswell as Sean and Ellie. We would have been able to use Mikey's nephew, if he didn't have chicken pox.

The group was not that big, since we only had three people in it, and the roles we did were as followed: Mikey as "The Babysitter", something I believe he has done before since he does have a nephew. Johnny as the camera man and the baby's voice. the second one is something he definitely has done before, since is a human. the first one, not so sure about. And finally, myself as the voice on the phone.

In the Professional industry, Skill and experience does affect a production, since Skill and experience is directly affected by the cost, So a well known and skilled actor would cost a lot to hire, while an actor with very little experience would not cost as much. Cost is also affected by the size of the crew hired. When you are making a production, i would say you use a talent and crew that is both skilled, but efficient, money wise. I would also hire actors who has done roles similar to a role in the film your making before. And to ensure they can help is to book them far in advance, and pay them over a period of time, to keep them going.

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