Thursday 25 October 2012

Requirements for Production Part 2

And now, to continue from yesterdays Blog post.

As I was saying, now onto more information on what the proper filmmakers use, starting with what the sources of funding is for them. 6 of the most known sources are Banks (Through loans) ,High net worth individuals (The Ellisons are a big example of this) ,Self earned the money (The Sopranos was an example of this, in which the director just earned the money by donating himself to science) ,Through the lottery though they Essentially they just help fund, I believe there has to be certain requirements before this can happen. I will do more research on this, and post up the information by the end. An Example of this is the king's speech.

Competitions are a possible source of income, Though this is more for a minor case, So The more "Starting" Directors would Try getting money, and probably equipment through this And finally, Sponsorship, Something we all know of. IF you don't, which I doubt, It means doing things such as Product placement, Examples of this include James bond Drinking a Heineken, or originally, a martini.

Now, For What the money earned would be spent on, The main things are Equipment, So items like Cameras, Lights, Props (If the film does require them), and Costumes. They would also have to obtain permits and licenses (Or clearances) to make the film, for locations, brands, and similar. An example of this would actually be the new silent hill film (At the time of writing, it's still to be released, though it should be released within 6 days from now) They would also need to hire Crew (food, Camera, Editing and so forth) they would also need to pay for travels, and venues. And finally, most importantly, the Talent. using Silent hill again, They used quite a few well known actors, and even models And well, I doubt anyone would do something like act for a big brand for nothing.

More will be done tomorrow.

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