Wednesday 24 October 2012

Requirements for production

Requirements for production.

Moving image media come in a range of forms: television, film, viode and now of course online distribution forms such as Youtube, or for mobile devices. For our first project we were to produce a short film for upload to the internet.

I will just start by saying what the project me, Mikey Tibble, and Johnny Hinsley was. It was a 90 Second short film for the depicT! Competiton, something I will talk more about later. The Plot of the film is as follows, A man (Played by Mikey) is walking down the road, as he gets a phone call from a male relative (Played by myself) who asked if he the man can look after his baby nephew (Voiced by johnny). This immediately prompts a flashback in which the baby Is being looked after by Mikey, While Throwing Toys at his head, and eventually puking on him. at the end of the flashback, Mikey agrees to look after his nephew. After a quick transition, we see him in a park, holding the baby. When he orders the baby not to cry, it starts to do just that, and Mikey then throws him, violently in rage.

Now for the information on depicT! Here is a quote from the site
"DepicT! challenges filmmakers on any budget from anywhere in the world to show their stuff in just a minute and a half. We’re delighted to announce that after receiving a record number of entries (over 600 from more than 30 countries!), the shortlisted films for DepicT! 2012 are now all available for your viewing pleasure."
Now, onto the main parts of this Blog post. How Media productions such as films and TV shows are made. Or at least I will be talking about this tomorrow.

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