Thursday 15 November 2012

Requirement for production part 4

To continue from last time.
The equipment we needed was only a camera and the props mentioned in the previous posts, so A baby doll, A Pot of yogurt, and a Chocolate biscuit bar (Not used). Post production, we only needed to use Editing software, But we also used a program to edit a sound file in the Video, namely the sound file for the person on the other side of the phone (I.E. Myself.). The locations we used for post-production was mainly The classroom we usually work in since it has all the editing software we need.

Outsourcing means to contract out a business process, something we did not have to do in the creation of our video. When your trying to succure facilities, You need to think about Location, how long you will need to spend working in it,  and size of the facility.

 A location recce is a documentation of possible locations to use. an example of this is the following link: 

 A location release is a permission form land owner to use locations in recording. The locations chosen were chosen due to the fact they could be the "Perfect" Zones for the shots we were planning to take. they also were easy to get to, and didn't have much travel time.

To counter any issue we could have had was very minimal and easy to get around, since we had to send an e-mail to the police to inform them we were going to record for the project, and we informed nearby people of the recording by wearing the "Crew" Shirts.

The materials available for Film makes is quite a list, but it mainly is comprised of:
  • Original material
  • Archive and library materials: sound, Video, Effects.
  • Photo library materials
  • Scripts
  • Props +costumes   
When using pre-made Materials, you need to follow any main procedures involving copy right. You also need to be careful of the cost to use the material.

When making a film, you may need to find several kinds of contributors, these can range from specialists, Experts, Talents, Public, and extras. A contributor often has a "Biography" which acts a lot like a CV, Giving you an idea on what the person can do.

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