Thursday 4 October 2012

Depict! Production Diary

Thursday 4th October 2012

So far, We have some ideas for our project idea. Our formr main idea was to essentially Use a Doll Baby as a "Man sitter" of a fully grown man, Essentially Swapping the roles of the two. Making the Baby have a tough man voice (Similar to the baby from "Who framed roger rabbit") while making the grown man Acting like a kid.
Thing is, There has been a few issues with the idea, since it seems a bit to compliated to pull off in 90 seconds, So we have alot of work to do to even think of an idea.
More work will be done tomorrow.

Friday 5th October 2012

We finally decided on a Plot!
It seems interesting, and incase of emergency, we do have a backup plot.
I have a good feeling about this project.
We also decided on who does what roles, so thats another part done.
More work will be done on monday.

Tuesday 9th October 2012

Gah, Sorry about the lack of a post Yesterday, I have been unwell.
But, I will make up for it by telling you the progress we have done today
Me and team Madness (Johnny chose that name, I personally like it) have done our storyboard, and have started working on our Recce, Tomorrow we will be Finishing it off, and it shouldn't be to long.

Thursday 11th October 2012

Again, Appologies about the delay... again..... But it was either i Arrived at the sixth form ill, or stayed at home near a toilet at all times.
Anyway, This time, We started Recording. The first scenes were finished, Though we have a feeling that we may have to re-record the scenes. If we do, Atleast we are prepared.
We also Uploaded The clips to the Mac we are using, So we can start editing the first scenes easily.
Most likely more work will be done tomorrow.

Friday 12th October 2012

Today was essentially a dead day. Litteraly, we could not do much since, both johnny was not here, And it was raining. so, all I can say is this one simple thing.... DAMN YOU, RAIN!
Anyway, Hopefully we can Continue our work on Monday.

Monday 15th October 2012

Progress! Today, We got one of our important props (The baby doll) and we recorded the last scenes, aswell as re-recorded the first scenes. we did the re-recording due to Minor Continuety issues. But, still, We done what we can, And it seems to be working thus far.

hopefully, We can do alot more tomorrow.

Tuesday 16th October 2012

We finished our recording today.As i am typeing we are doin the editing itself. And so far, I can't help but grin at the product we have created. We even have a crowning scene, if you will. and everyone who sees it laughs.
Not long left till the whole thing is finished! anyway, more on this tomorrow.

Wednesday 17th October 2012

Still working on some of the editing. Learnt how to make transitions, Namely fade, and direct to white. We also, as I am typeing this, are getting sound files for the project. So, not much really getting done, besides perfecting some of the scenes in post processing (You know, Adding sepia tone, Making sure there are no continuety issues, and so forth.)
As we work on this, I will fill everyone in on what progress we make. Besides, I have a good feeling on this. Hopefully, We should be done soon.
Anyway, More work will hopefully be done tomorrow. and anyway, we still need to Record some sound for one thing.

Thursday 18th October 2012

More editing done. Recorded Last sound file and made it sound more like it came from a phone.
More will be done tomorrow.

Friday 19th October 2012

Aaaannndddd we are finished! We have the final product Fully edited, and ready for viewing. Now, we just need to do minor things on our own parts (like i still need to Upload my recee and my risk assessment....... I still blame my illness for the inability to have done it before.)

For now, all I can say is this. Blade, Signing off.

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