Friday 5 October 2012

Synopsis for Depict!

it starts with someone walking down the high street and then they get a phone call from their brother asking to look after their nephew, and the guys says "sure nephew" then it cuts to a flashback with a sepia tone filter and it shows one of us holding a baby that is crying and then it cuts to a shot of the actor getting hit over the head repeatedly by the baby carrying a toy hammer, and the last flashback shot shows the actor swinging the baby around, the baby is now laughing then it goes to and over the shoulder shot over the baby, and the baby sick’s on the actors face (using fake vomit) and then a close up of the baby grinning and it cuts back to real time as the actor is holding the phone he says "yeah, okay" and it cuts to a final shot of the actor holding the baby outside and the actor says "don’t you dare cry" the baby starts to winge a bit as it cuts to an extreme long shot (replace the baby with a toy baby) of the actor throwing the baby and walking away as the credits roll.

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