Monday 28 January 2013

My individual Ad proposal.

The brand I have chosen to work on is the "Ben & Jerry's" Brand of ice cream. The current target audience seems to be a younger Age group, due to the fact that the advertisements for the brand is usually cartoon-y. Though, it could be following their idea of "Making work fun". They also seem to have their target audience as anyone Non-Lactose intolerant, and possibly people afflicted by ageusia, seeing as Ben himself has it, and it's what caused the chunks to be added to the ice-cream. The current ads also seem to be targeted at fans of Monty python, since is shows similar themes. An example of this is actually in the "Competition" series of ads.

Other ads that they created ended up doing simillar effects, but also playing on child hood memories, Implying that they have no "Core" Target audience, Instead, they target everyone, Hoping that they will watch the ad, and buy the product. So far, it seems to have worked, But only because they target a larger audience. However, it doesn't target specific segments, causing some issues, such as "What about the gamers? do they go under Children, Teens, Or adults?" and "What about those that never tried our icecream before? How can we get them to try it out for them selves?"

For my idea, I suggest we target the two groups mentioned. Gamers, And people who never tried the product before. These two groups are quite large, So if we can attract them, It would lead to the best possible effect. I say it should be a series of ads, Showing Gamers reacting to different scenarios, showing their agression and after a friend or family suggests they try out the ice-cream,They essentially enter a state similar to pyro-land... Minus the killing. In short, Calming his rage down to nothing more than joy. This is to both, attract attention, and arouse interest. The stimulating desire effect is the "Calming" Effect, which will attract both, The gamers and their friends and family, since they can get both, peace of mind, and of environment. and an attempt to promote action can be considered to be the same thing.

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