Thursday 31 January 2013


Idea Generation:
Each out of us had our ideas, Choosing to go with different brands. We were not given any outside help, so we were on our own for this. We all chose different brands, And ended up having a group vote over which one to work with. we ended up going with the idea i had chosen, Which was Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I beive the reason for this is because i have worked on not just an idea and a brand, but also the target audience, Which was gamers.
Initial Plans and proposals (Synopsis):
The Initial plan was to market the product as a method of calming gamers down. Over time, it evolved, To the plan being still advertised it as mentioned above, However, we ended up using our gaming history to help modify the add to attract more Gamers, Ending up using References to classic games, and essentially making our own live action "Machinima" project.

The Plan still follows the key plot of the following:
Person A (The gamer) Plays game in same room as Person B
Person A Rages after getting killed in Game
Person B leaves
Person B Returns, now with the product: Ben & Jerry's
Person B gives it to Person A saying "Eat this."
Person A Eats the product, And starts to calm down.
Person A gets back to gaming, Playing even better than before.
Info of product and links are shown
Person B is seen saying "Finally some peace"

Identification of overt/hidden messages:
The thing i hope to achieve with this advert is to get gamers to buying the product, since i know the product's current ads don't really attract the gamers them selves, they only really eat it if it was suggested by a friend, or had tried it in the past. I want to remedy that, Since the product itself is good. The Message we are giving is mainly that it will calm you down, and it will make you (Slightly) better at gaming due to that.

The style of this Advertisment is Comical, using references to classic games as a key part of it.

Shot By Shot

1. Establishing Shot of location (3 Sec)

2. Cut to over the shoulder shot of the first character (2 Sec)

3. Match on action to playing the game (2 Sec)

4. Reaction shot of being killed (2 Sec)

5. Second Character Leaves room, while the camera tracks (3 Sec)

6. Cuts to another angle of him leaving (2 Sec)

7. Cuts to door showing him re-entering with the ice cream (3 Sec)

8. Cuts to low angle of desk as he slides the tub along it (2 Sec)

9. Crabs along desk following the tub (3 Sec)

10.  Match on action to first character catching it (2 Sec)

11. Cut to second character saying ‘just eat this!’ (~2 Sec)

12.  Cut to first character slowly getting a spoon out of bag and raising it above his head and a ‘Legend of Zelda’ sound plays (4 Sec)

13.  Close up of first character opening the ice cream tub (2 Sec)

14. Medium Shot  of first character eating the ice scream (3 Sec)

15. Reaction of him eating the ice cream and being relaxed (3 Sec)

16. He returns to game, instantly improving skills due to the ice cream
            (~4 Sec)

17. Crane to the tub of ice cream showing the brand name, flavour, links and social media.         (5 Sec)
18. Cut to Second character saying 'Finally some peace' (2 Sec)

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    Well done, you have covered all the necessary terms and, between this post and others on your blog, included enough for M2.

