Monday 11 March 2013

TV Advertisement Evaluation

The brief for this product was to Create a 20 second to 1 minute Advertisement on a chosen product form uni-lever, using the skills we had used in the DepictT! Project. For this, We ended up chosing Ben & Jerry's Ice cream, since our idea, which was then put into the Ad in a slightly watered down tone, it ended up having a broad audience, but what little it did not target was a Sub-segment of their target audience. Gamers. Most of which Have either A. Tried ben & Jerry's before, but don't really get it, or B. They never tried it. The reason we targeted games is because the audience is relatively large, And range from Adults, to children.

Here is what we got from the questionaire sent out to our key target audience, Gamers:

In my personally opinion, I think the message being mentioned in the advert was quite well done, as it's impact due to the fact it shows how it may help the people around the "Gamer" In question, I.E friends, Family. This causes the Audience targeted to be quite appropreate.

The Technical qualities of the film were ok, to a degree, since it used natural and artificial lighting, Causing the place to atleast seem a bit more lifelike, and also the Post-production had done some decent editing, sorting out some issues we had while recording, however, the Aestetic qualities were abysmal in parts. Namely due to the mise-en-scene. The room itself Was clearly not the lair of a gamer, and the other person seems out of place. Also, you can see in one scene that the gamer  (Myself) isn't even playing a proper game, it's just a login screen. For this , I am not entirely sure the persuasion techniques used were that effective, since though it got the message across pretty well, The ad didn't really make people go "I must buy this product ASAP!", i'm guessing this may have been because of the flaws we ended up creating.

The message we tried to put out to the target audience was that Ben & Jerry's ice cream is capable of calming someone down. We had done this due to the fact that  we had an actual gamer "Rage" and be calmed down by the ice cream, as shown in the close-up. It was quite clearly communicated to the audience, as it was what people were able to say the ad was about after watching it one time.
The ad was somewhat fit for purpose, since though at parts it seems like the work of a novice, It does stick with the Advertising Regulation, Though there was one ethical issue, since the advertisment itself essentially promoted eating ice cream more often.
(Edit) After re-reading the rules, it turns out that promoting junk food over healthy food may be against reguluation. to show my point, here is an exact quote from the site about this.

"Public health policy increasingly emphasises good dietary behaviour and an

active lifestyle as a means of promoting health. Commercial product advertising

cannot reasonably be expected to perform the same role as education and

public information in promoting a varied and balanced diet but should not

undermine progress towards national dietary improvement by misleading or

confusing consumers or by setting a bad example, especially to children. The

spirit, as well as the letter, of the rules in this section applies to all

advertisements that promote, directly or indirectly, a food or soft drink product."

In comparison with my original idea, the advert is a bit bad, Due to the fact we had to cut a few of the ideas out due to time restrictions and due to the fact we had several issues when it came to what we could use. Though our methods of documenting the actual plan was decent and was what we originally had planned, we had to deviate from these  plans due to time contraints and location issues. The feed back was relatively posive, but with negative comment on the mis-en-scenes and the fact that the idea works inconcept only, though. Personally, i think that the work was decent, but needed some major work due to the multiple re-takes needed to be done, and I agree with the "Masses" (I.E My class Including the tutors who gave their feed back by actually talking to our group about this product) that the mis-en-scenes needs work, since it doesn't work for a gamers den in the ad, but, i think the concept of the ad can work, if more work is put into it.

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    You have covered most of the terms required but are missing details on the appropriateness of the advert to the audience and the impact of the work/advert on the audience. I have stapled a copy of hand-written feedback to your assignment sheet so that you can go through it with Janet. the feedback has pointers on each term and should help greatly.

    The main requirement is more specific and targeted examples of points made; you gloss over terms too quickly and don't provide enough depth in your responses.

    Please see me if you need any additional help.
