Monday 4 February 2013

Production diary TV ad

Monday 4th Febuary 2013

Well, not much to say exept in about four lessons, We managed to almost finish the pre-production. We just need to get the location recee, Get the Talent and location releases, and then we are done.

Tuesday 5th Febuary 2013

All that is being done is uploading some of the paper work. Well, the rest of the group were. I did that yesterday.

Update: Correction, We all needed to upload the story board. And we are working on several other things, such as a new logo, and a Production Schedule

Wendsday 6th Febuary 2013

Our group split into two groups to day to do the final parts of work. Me and connor Decided to go gather the recee, while Lewis and joe went and did some testing for the final scenes, Over all, we managed to finish both parts, and upload what we needed to.

Monday 11th Febuary 2013

Our group has been pushing ahead even further, Now we started, and finished the first round of Recording, Tomorrow we will start working on the post-processing, and then after that, we are done. We still have one day of recording left, incase we need to re-do some scenes.

Tuesday 12th Febuary 2013

We started work on post-processing, but after a while, we discovered there is an issue with the recording. To many continuity errors, and the sound was a bit messed up due to the white noise heard in the earlier scenes. Tomorrow, we will re-do the recording to try countering these.

Wendsday 27th Febuary 2013

The group and I had started work on the editing, after another Re-recording on the 26th, since we had even more issues with the advert in question. Though, we still have more work ahead of us, though the whole thing is starting to feel daunting, We will persevere.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

At last, the ad is finished. in the period of time since i last messaged on here, The group has done the following:
1. Done some work on the placement of the scenes, Shortening some so we ended up with a 30 second clip.
2. Made a sound effect for one part of the Ad.
3. Recorded two sound files for two parts of the ad.

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